Hexagonia: Atomix's younger, meaner sister
For those who thought that Atomix was far too easy

Hexagonia: Atomix 2 - is the second game from the Ultrasoft Re-Loaded Series of classic games from the early 90s, originally published on the legendary ZX Spectrum home computer.
Our aim was to take the game's graphics to the 21st century while retaining all the charming simplicity of the original game which, together with its predecessor Atomix, attracted a huge following.
The objective of the game is to assemble a wanted molecule from various atoms scattered within the playground. The player moves the individual atoms by flinging them in the desired direction. The task is further complicated by various obstacles positioned strategically within the playground and by the fact that an atom, once set in motion, will not stop moving until hitting another atom, obstacle or playground's wall.
This remake contains all 50 levels from the original 90s version, plus 4 completely new, bonus levels, unique to the 2012 version.
The difficulty of the levels and the size of the molecules gradually increase and by the time the player has completed the final, 54th level, he or she would have assembled 20 to 30-atom molecules of ever-increasing complexity.
With its 54 levels full of completely new, ever more fiendish puzzles to complete, Hexagonia offers many hours of brain-teasing fun.
Do you think that Atomix was far too easy ? Then try Hexagonia - Atomix's younger, but much meaner sister !
Disclaimer: Creators of Hexagonia do not accept any responsibility for hair loss caused by pulling the hair in desperation.

The original version of the game had only 50 levels.
As the graphic menu of the remade version shows 6 levels at a time, and 50 is not divisible by 6, rather than leaving the last page of the menu with 4 gaping empty slots, we have added 4 extra levels for your benefit!